Stuff I need out of my head

I was going to continue with my vacation but it can wait till another day. Right now I need to get “junk” out of my head.

Since I have been working very hard on staying positive and removing as much negativity as possible from my life I have a few things that I want to say and be done with them. I’m also including some quirks about myself just for fun in case you want to know more about who I am, other than the Crazy Dog Lady!!!

#1 I am a PITA when it comes to common sense. I was born with it and do not understand people who don’t seem to posses it. To me so many things look obvious. I am trying hard to understand others and accept them the way they are.

#2 I am not the best speller in the world by far but we all have spell check now so you have to really work hard to screw up words. I’m not talking about the auto correct spelling errors that our phones throw out there to make us look dumb. My biggest pet peeve is people who breed dogs and can’t spell the name of the breed they are trying to make money off of! They are Chihuahuas, not Chiwawas. Rottweiler not Rockwellers and my all time favorite the Datsuns!!! That would be Dachshund in case you thought it was a type of car!

#3 People that exaggerate how long they have been doing things. Let me be more specific. I love numbers so I remember dates and times. I know how long my rescue has been incorporated and I know when I moved to NC and many other useless dates. It’s stupid how many dates I keep in my head! I was just reading a post today where someone was telling people who they have been in a specific business for 25 years. I know for a fact that it’s a lie. It’s actually only 17 years. Should it matter??? Well no, not to me but to the people that the lie is being told to yes. Lets just say “false advertising”.

#4 When I know people are being fed half-truths and I know the full truth should I just stay quiet?? So far I have. Really makes me sick and it puts me in a bad place. Could those half-truths cause physical harm?? Yes, sometimes they can and have. I have tried to distance myself but it came to me in a dream 2 nights ago. VERY vivid. I’m thinking my conscience is working overtime. I have one, the other person does not.

#5 I hate to backtrack! I will do my damnedest to make a full circle rather than turn around.

#6 I won’t eat hard crunchy things in soft food. Like nuts in brownies and cookies or raw onions in mashed potatoes!! The raw onions is what ruined me! That will be a story for another day. Remind me in the comment section if I forget!!

#7 I am NOT the tough person people believe me to be. Maybe I shouldn’t tell people who. A few know the truth. I am the Armadillo in the family. People think I have a hard exterior but in truth if you roll me over I have a soft belly and I can be easily harmed. I take EVERYTHING personally and I am working hard to correct that. I wish I could be like so many others and let things roll off my back but I don’t. I fret over things said and done and stress myself stupidly. Again I am working on correcting that. Just today I wrote to a friend that I didn’t hear from the other day and I asked if I had done something wrong. No I had not. I worried for nothing πŸ™

#8 I talk way too much and my stories are long and drawn out. I do actually have a couple of explanations for that. My dad loved to talk to everyone. He never met a stranger. I too will talk to anyone I meet! I, like my dad have met some pretty awesome friends that way. Everyone should try it sometime! It just might make someones day if you said Hello. Now for my long stories. When someone is telling me a story I listen and want details so I can understand it and get all the people in the story straight in my head. I do that because I AM interested in what they are telling me. Sooo, when I tell a story I assume (you know what that gets us) that others hearing my story are like me and actually want to hear it. I automatically give details. I try to make my stories understandable from the beginning. Some people like it. Others have said “get to the point”. When I am told that my story will end immediately. I don’t beg people for ANYTHING. If they are not interested that’s fine. So if I tell you a story and you don’t want details just tell me upfront that you are not interested. It will save us both a lot of time. See, even this paragraph was the longest!!

Well, I am heading to bed. I have taken up enough of your time tonight (or whenever you read this) I’m sure I can come up with more mental issues I have but for now that is enough. Hopefully they will be out of my head now and NOT come to me in any dreams. Going to only dream positive from now on! The Law of Attraction. What you put out is what you get back.

Nite Nite for now πŸ™‚


This article was written by Jeanne

I am an animal lover to the fullest extent! I enjoy making people happy and helping where ever I can. I am a "Fixer" and get very frustrated when I can't. I have been married to my best friend since I was 16 years old. I have two of the most awesome daughters I could have ever asked for! I live on my dream farm in the mountains of western NC. For the most part I have a perfect life. This Blog is to help me make it more perfect!