Hello All, I have taken a day or so off for a couple reasons. 1-I’ve been too dang tired to sit and write and 2-Nothing came to me that I was interested enough in.
Today started with me jumping out of bed when I realized I was suppose to have 2 dogs at the vets! EARLY! I got there in time but I HATE starting the day on the run. I came home and cleaned then Karl and I worked on the huge sliding doors on the barn. They terrify me because of their weight. I can totally see myself being crushed trying to keep a dog out from under them should one fall. We are redoing all the hardware and slides to keep it from happening. I tend to worry about crazy things.
Well, I’m board with this conversation already! Hmmm, I need something interesting. One of the questions that was asked the other day was about how I met Karl and ended up married at 16. Maybe this story will hold my interest.
I met Karl when we lived in the same apartment building in Lake Park, FL. I was 12 and he was almost 16. I hung out with his brother Bob who was closer to my age. Karl was always at work and I only saw him coming and going. One day I was at their apt playing pool with Bob. Karl happen to be home. He for some reason started asking me questions. Could I cook, sew and clean house???? I told him yeah, I could. He said “Well then, someday I’m going to marry you! Well I was shocked because at 16 he seemed sooo much older! I never forgot that conversation.
Fast forward 4 years later and I was riding my horse Captain in the Christmas in Dixie Parade. It was Dec. 15, 1974. Karl’s family and my family had both moved from the apartments to houses 3 blocks apart in the years prior. That day was very hard for me because my world as I knew it was ending as far as I was concerned. My boyfriend of 2 1/2 years had broken up with me the night before. I was sure my life was done. After the parade I rode Captain to our house. In doing so I past Karl’s family home. Karl happen to be outside so I stopped to say hello. He was so sweet. I told him what had happen and he said “if you need someone to talk to just call me”. Wow! this older man was being nice to me again!
I got Captain back to the ranch and made my way home to cry myself to sleep. I wasn’t home long when the phone rang. It was Karl and he wanted to know if I would like to go to a movie instead of sitting home being miserable. He said his brother Bob and his mom and her boyfriend would be going also. I said sure I would go. Maybe it would help distract me from my certain demise. Well! Karl showed up to pick me up and low and behold there was no one with him! Seems the others decided to pass on the movie. We went to the Carefree Cinema and watched Airport 75. The movie “Earthquake” was playing in the theater next door and I remember the floor and walls of our theater shaking. When the movie was over and we went to the car I started to panic. I was afraid we would hit red lights and he was going to try and kiss me! I was not ready for that. We made it home and I panicked for nothing. I sat in the car talking to him rather than jumping right out as soon as he got near the curb! I figured it was only polite to sit and talk since he had taken me to a movie. After plenty of small talk he said “I really have to go, I have to work in the morning”. Uggggg, now I felt like a complete idiot! This dating stuff is not so easy and I wasn’t liking it at all!
That night was the first night of the next 43 years (so far). We have been together everyday from that day on. The previous boyfriend almost immediately came back. I guess he decided he really didn’t want to date the new girl at his job! Oh well, too late. On Jan. 25, 1975 Karl asked me to marry him. I was only 16 and I was all for it! That would assure that I never had to have another “first date”. Our intention was to wait till I graduated from high school. I was still in 11th grade at that point. Well, a couple months down the road we found out that there was more than 2 of us in the picture. I was going to have a baby. NOT what I had on my agenda but Karl was thrilled. Our wedding day was moved up by a little more than a year and we were wed on May 17, 1975.
I finished my eleventh grade year but did not go back to school in my 12th year. I really didn’t think I would be allowed. Our daughter Jennifer was born on Dec. 5, 1975. Wow, I was a mom! Not so easy at 17. Within a couple weeks of her birth my Guidance Counselor from school called me to see if I wanted to come back! I was shocked. She said that since I only needed 3 credits I could double my classes and Graduate with my class 🙂 I took 3 night classes and 3 classes during the day. Karl got a kick out of being my husband at that point because since I was still only 17 HE was my legal guardian. If I missed class he had to write me a note to get back in! I was able to get those 3 credit and walk with my class. My pictures after getting my diploma are with a bouquet of flowers AND a baby 🙂 Other than marrying the right guy the other plus is that we always win the award at our class reunions for being married the longest! No one can beat that!
I sit here typing and wondering where 43 years went. I feel like it was yesterday when I walked across that stage. I can still picture Mrs. Burgess my Guidance Counselor when I sat in her office figuring out my schedule. I could never thank her enough for caring enough about me (and all her students) to do anything she could to get us through High School. I am so grateful to never have to feel like I missed out. I didn’t. I have led a crazy life! So many adventures and a husband that has never stopped me. Instead he made it possible by working his butt off for a company that wasn’t worthy of having him. THAT is another whole story! For now it’s time to sign off.
Nite Nite
What a wonderful love story! It made me cry and it gave me goose bumps! This was a marriage meant to be from the start. Hard to find in any life time. I love you both!