MY “Living Room”

Hello! I took a break to work on where I was heading mentally. I have tried very hard to stay positive and really thought I had it! Then reality kicked in and I realized I was not as “healed” as I originally thought I was. What has taken years to get me to the place I was can’t be fixed in just a few days. I have a lot to work on and can never let my guard down.

I would like to start this Blog by saying I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know I did. I got to cook the turkey and stuffing but didn’t have to be the Hostess!!! We were home by 7 and I was in a turkey coma soon after. I had all the critters to feed first or I would have gone straight to bed.

Instead of telling you all a story from my life I am going to focus on my last couple weeks. I really need it all out of my head. I have been trying but it’s not working. Usually once I confront the issue and at least write it down I can move on. Right now I have 2 things that are consuming my brain and I’m over it.

I rarely use any names unless I’m telling you a good story so I will keep it that way. If you know who I’m speaking about I would appreciate if you keep it to yourself. Despite how they have made me feel I choose not to do it to them.

OK first I have been working on getting people that I see as “untruthful” and “egotistical” out of my life. There was a time when our personalities and goals were on the same page but I feel that we have gone our separate ways. I no longer choose to be even in the same sentence with some of these people. Many underhanded things going on and lies being told to further their “careers”. Not really sure what other word to use. Either way no matter what we chose to call it, I chose to not be part of it. I will continue to do things my way. I’m glad I have Empathy and a Conscience. Thanks Mom <3

A couple weeks ago some names came up that I had put out of my life. Somehow they were coming back into a venture that I was working on. That is the morning I realized I was not healed. I immediately had a meltdown and if the people I’m speaking of are reading this I’m sure they will be pleased. I chose to walk away from my part in the venture because again I refuse to be associated with them in ANY way.  I decided to put it in the hands of the Universe! If I was meant to stay with my group then new options would appear and guess what? THEY DID!!! In less than 48 hours we were able to make different arrangements and I stayed where I belonged. Now the good part about how it all happened is that I was able to see where I am still vulnerable and I can focus on fixing that part of me 🙂 These people will NOT be affecting me again.  They are totally in the hands of God, The Universe and Karma!

Now just about the time that I think I’m on my way back up the ladder of happiness I get it kicked out from under me again. I know I’m being tested and I WILL pass these Exams!

Facebook is a double edged sword. I need it to help me network the animals that I do and it does allow me to keep up with my family and friends.  For a long time I tried to post my true feelings and it never failed, SOMEONE always jumped me. It got to be so bad that I’m pretty sure if I said it was a beautiful day someone would come on to my page and start an argument. I no longer speak my mind. No believe me I don’t say what I REALLY want to say! It’s still very frustrating to me to see others post anything they choose with no repercussions and I catch crap for every word! I am NOT E.F. Hutton and no one needs to listen to me if they disagree! Move on! Believe me I read MANY posts that I am so tempted to put in my two cents but I don’t because it’s not my place. I look at everyone’s walls as their “Living Rooms”. If you are in someone’s living room you should respect their space. This is their corner of the world. I for one would not walk into your “space” and tell you what you were doing wrong and demand that you agree with my opinion. Now having said that, I don’t appreciate people that feel that’s it’s OK for them to come into my “Living Room” and treat me with disrespect. If you don’t agree with me or have a better idea then please feel free to write it on YOUR wall 🙂 See how easy that is??? With many people I have found that asking them to show respect and post their opinions on their own walls hasn’t worked very well. I decided about a year ago that if they will continue to treat me with disrespect then they were really not friends to begin with. Real friends would write to you privately or call and chat or better yet just allow me my own thoughts! My friend list got a lot shorter and my life started to calm down. For the most part I don’t like conflict AT ALL and many people have found that to be my Achilles Heel. I am easy to upset and back down. Some see me as very tough but that ONLY applies if you are harming my family, friends or animals. Now that I have explained how I view my Facebook page I can tell you about what happened a couple days ago.

I got up early on Thanksgiving to get my dogs fed and the turkey stuffed and in the oven. I am never on time for anything but somehow my day was going extremely smooth. I was thinking about my life at that moment. I decided to write on MY Facebook page what I was”Grateful”. My first thought was my step dad Frank. My sister and I are so blessed to have him looking after our mom. We both got to see them in Oct. and he is the best. He does more than I could have ever hoped for. He is kind and gentle and best of all he likes to keep her laughing.  Just for the record my mom had Alzeheimers 🙁 Anyone that has cared for an Alzheimer patent understand just how difficult this can be.  When I started to make my list I was going to put Frank as my #1 thought. Then my brain said, “No, you have to list your husband and kids first”!! SOOOO, I did. Then I added the rescue group that I have been involved with since the beginning of September.  It’s been so awesome to work with people that only have the good of others (humans and animals) in their sights NOT their egos. I had a few more things on the list that were effecting my life at the moment and I hit “Post”. I continued my day and everything fell into place. We spent the afternoon at a friends home with 10 of us all together. We had a great afternoon, good food and lots of laughs. I came home to 38 hungry dogs so my day continued. I got all my chores done and could not hit the bed fast enough. My Turkey Coma took over and I slept great for a change. I got up Friday morning grabbed my coffee and sat for a few minutes before making turkey soup. I had a few comments on my “What I was Grateful” post. One was from my step dad and he said it was his favorite post! He was happy that I WAS HAPPY! All looked great till I got to the post that said “What about your sister Kathy and her family???” I won’t say who wrote it but it was NOT my sister. I’m not even sure I can tell you how I felt reading it other than embarrassed and afraid that people would think that my sister and I were on the outs. THAT couldn’t be farther from the truth. I don’t get to see my sister very often but when I do we have a wonderful time together. My first thought was to delete the whole post. That is what the old Jeanne would have done rather than get into a confrontation. I decided to leave it but I did go and edit my original post so that it would meet the approval of someone else.  This is the perfect example of someone coming into my Living Room and disrespecting me and my thoughts. I have fretted over how to handle this for the last 3 days and how to get it out of my head. I did write to my sister to assure her that I loved her. My post was meant to be about things that were happening in my life at that very moment! If this person had been concerned about me leaving my sister off of my list why would she not have contacted me personally??? Instead it was put to the public to let others make their own opinions on something that wasn’t even happening!!! For the record I went to this person’s wall and there was nothing about what she was grateful for other than a post that read “This Thanksgiving will be the first time in 8 years that I am thankful for our President”. Hmmm???? Some of you know I would love to have made a comment on that but I didn’t because I respect her opinion and it was said in HER “Living Room”.

Now that I have that out of my head and I can move on I will say that I have probably opened a can of worms. Oh well, this Blog is My House!

Next Blog will be more fun. Sorry to drag you all into the drama. I would really have more fun just telling you silly stories. Maybe EdBird the Emu will be next <3


This article was written by Jeanne

I am an animal lover to the fullest extent! I enjoy making people happy and helping where ever I can. I am a "Fixer" and get very frustrated when I can't. I have been married to my best friend since I was 16 years old. I have two of the most awesome daughters I could have ever asked for! I live on my dream farm in the mountains of western NC. For the most part I have a perfect life. This Blog is to help me make it more perfect!